Meta Tags
Adjust the default functionality by adding one or more of these <meta> tags to a page or two on your Webflow website.
Ignore Visitor Data Properties
Define a comma-separated list of the visitor data properties you would like to have ignored.
The property name is case-sensitive and must match the 'Property Variable' noted in the Visitor Data Properties table. The properties added here will be excluded from the 'geoflow' JS object.
Send The Visitor Data Somewhere
Define an endpoint that you would like the visitor data properties sent to when the visitor leaves your website. The endpoint must be a valid secure URL (including the https:// part and a TLD); it can be anything that supports accepting a POST request (e.g. Zapier webhook).
If the URL that you provide is not valid, an error will be displayed in the browser console.
We recommend using our preferred webhook provider, Hookdeck, for your data endpoint.
Script Extensions
Script extensions allow you to extend the functionality offered by the default Geoflow script without writing a single line of code.
Learn more about the different script extensions.
Developer Tip: The <meta> tags are helpful if you would like to adjust the default functionality on a page-level basis. The <meta> tag will be ignored if the data attribute for the same optional setting is also applied to the Geoflow <script> tag.
Last updated
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